Here are some statistics on the Monsun Registry to date.
List your Monsun by filling out this formThanks to the tips and recommendations of other Monsun owners the number of registered Monsuns keeps increasing at a steady pace. Started in 2012, the listing contains well over 500 unique Monsuns in 2019. Please make sure you register new names, owners and home ports so that other Monsun owners can see where you are stationed. Much appreciated! AND keep enjoying your wonderful Swedish piece of craftmanship.
Registered monsuns | in country |
1 | Australia |
4 | Austria |
4 | Belgium |
4 | Canada |
1 | Cook Islands |
1 | Croatia |
1 | Curacao |
73 | Denmark |
1 | Dominican Republic |
12 | Finland |
5 | France |
83 | Germany |
1 | Hungary |
2 | Ireland |
10 | Italy |
1 | Lithuania |
2 | Malaysia |
1 | New Zealand |
36 | Norway |
4 | Poland |
1 | Russian Federation |
1 | Slovenia |
5 | Spain |
1 | Spanje |
227 | Sweden |
5 | Switzerland |
46 | The Netherlands |
1 | Turkey |
14 | United Kingdom |
19 | USA |
The Monsun can today be found in many countries around the world. Here is a short overview of the Monsuns already in the register.